Duke Nukem

I remember back almost 12 years ago, when I was first introduced to Duke Nukem. Duke became quickly known as a Manly mans game, because of quick one liners, and seeing half naked females used through out this game title. Here it is 12 years later we get reintroduced with Duke. And just like the first Duke Nukem game, the developers did not change a thing to what made Duke Nukem so popular among us Gamer types.

These images on this page are in my Native resolution of 5760 x 1080. So if you want to view these images, be prepared. For those who are looking for some Extreme Wide Screen wallpapers, check out this link HERE.


The storyline of Duke Nukem Forever is a pretty simple one. Aliens come back to invade Earth, and enslave all of human kind. And the only person going to keep this from happening is, Drum roll…….. Duke Nukem. At first I was kind of stunned by the simplest form of a story line. The more I think about it, it is actually kinda nice to just have a simple story line that does not get all confusing as we play the game.

General Game Play

The game play on Duke Nukem Forever is fairly simple. None of this having to flip switches, timed runs, or having to figure out overly complicated in-game puzzles. Just grab a weapon and start preying and spraying. Since Duke Nukems storyline is a pretty simple one to follow, the game play pretty much follows suit. There is a lot of interaction with Duke Nukem and the other characters in this game title. Being this is more geared towards men, there is a awful lot of swearing going on. Duke Nukem and the other characters also have this Macho Man behavior just like in life when it comes to the men talking, the shit gets really DEEP. So if you are sensitive to swearing, or are allergic to the typical Macho Man attitude then Duke Nukem is not the game you should be playing.

Graphics And Performance

This is the area I was rather disappointed in with Duke Nukem, after “12 Fucking Years” I expected to see mind blowing graphics. The graphics I consider to be about like COD series of games, decent but not all that great. Now I will have to say that this game title utilizing the Unreal 3 engine actually supports both AMDs Eyefinity, as well as Nvidia’s 3D Vision Surround right out of the box. So no need to tweak, hack, or curse to get Duke Nukem Forever to span across our unique large screens. Performance wise Duke Nukem plays fairly smooth, I have had no real performance issues even what I spanned this game across my rather large screen size of 5760 x 1080.


I feel that the developers could have put more thought in to the combat; more specifically, the opposing AI. I found the AI to be repetitive, and somewhat predicable. Now Duke Nukem does at times overwhelm you with large mobs of bad guys. So the thoguht of going right in and start shooting away is not going to work. At the same time though, if you pace yourself through out the combat sequences you can go through out this game with out ever dieing The boss fights in Duke Nukem were not overly hard. All that is needed to kill a boss is to run around, time your shots, and when you bring it down walk up to it then perform a double tap. If you fail to do so, the boss will get right back up and continue the fight.

Wrap Up

All in all Duke Nukem is a decent game title, The areas I feel that the developers could have spent more time on is the graphics, and on the AI. These two areas actually kill this game title, and it is a shame. I like the simple game play, and simple story line Duke Nukem proves that we do not need to have an overly complicated story line that requires way to much thinking for us gamers to play it. Now I do not recommend this game title to any one who is below the age of 16/17 and any one who is easily offended by the use of swearing, or graphic nature of some of the scenes used in this game title. Duke Nukem is only meant for MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. Again if you are easily offended PLAY SOMETHING ELSE.

Time to hand a rating, I feel that Duke Nukem earns a well respected:

6 out of Ten and the:

Copper Dragon Award